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姓      名:周重阳

籍      贯:湖北随州

电      话:15071482687

邮      箱:cyzhou@fjnu.edu.cn


2018/09 - 2023/06  武汉理工大学     材料科学与工程学院      材料科学与工程/博士   李远志

2019/09 - 2021/09  丹麦奥胡斯大学   化学系和跨学科纳米科学中心(iNANO)联合培养/博士  Torben Rene Jensen

2015/09 - 2018/06  武汉理工大学     材料科学与工程学院      材料科学与工程/硕士   李远志


2023/10 - 至今          福建师范大学       海峡柔性电子(未来科技)学院(研究院)






谷歌公司《2024 Google Climate Action Research Awards》



1. C. Y. Zhou, J. C. Wu, Y. Z. Li*, et al. Highly efficient UV-visible-infrared light-driven photothermocatalytic steam biomass reforming to H2 on mesoporous silica loaded Ni nanoparticles. Energy Environ. Sci., 2022, 15, 3041-3050.

2. J. C. Wu#, C. Y. Zhou#, G. Rupprechter*, Y. Z. Li*, et al. Green Syngas from Photothermal Catalytic Cellulose Steam Reforming on Ni/SiO2 Nanocatalysts: Synergy of La3+ Promotion and Ni–O Photoactivation. Small, 2025, 2411977.

3. X. Yang#, X. Xiang#, C. Y. Zhou*, M. Han*, Z. H. Pu*, B. Y. Xia*, et al. Catalyst design strategies for high-efficient CO2 electroreduction. Coord. Chem. Rev. (accepted)

4. C. Y. Zhou, W. B. Guo, N. E. Shi*, M. Han*, W. Huang*, et al. Recent Advances and Future Perspectives of Ruddlesden-Popper Perovskite Oxides Electrolytes for All-Solid-State Batteries. InfoMat. 2024. e12563. (封面 )

5. C. Y. Zhou, Y. G. Yan*, T. R. Jensen*. Enhanced electrochemical performance of the Li2B12H12-Li2B10H10-LiBH4 electrolyte. ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2023, 6, 7346-7352.

6. C. Y. Zhou, H. Sun, D. Liu*, Y. G. Yan*, T. R. Jensen*, et al. Highly electrochemically stable Li2B12H12-Al2O3 nanocomposite electrolyte enabling A 3.8 V room-temperature all-solid-state Li-ion battery. J Alloys Compd., 2023, 938, 168689.

7.  C. Y. Zhou, J. B. Grindersleva, Y. G. Yan*, T. R. Jensen*, et al. Polymorphism, ionic conductivity and electrochemical properties of lithium closo-deca- and dodeca borates and composites, Li2B10H10 - Li2B12H12. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2022, 10, 16137-16151.

8.  C. Y. Zhou, L. Cheng, Y. Z. Li*, et al. Novel photoactivation promotes catalytic abatement of CO on CuO mesoporous nanosheets with full solar spectrum illumination. Appl. Catal. B, 2018, 225, 314-323.

9. J. C. Wu, C. Y. Zhou, Y. Z. Li*, et al. Enhanced H2O adsorption by Ca2+ doping substantially improves the catalytic performance for light-driven thermocatalytic steam cellulose reforming on Ni/Ca1/8-SiO2. Appl. Catal. B, 2024, 342, 123388.
