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姓       名:宋青

职      称 : 副教授








2009.01–2015.12 美国俄克拉荷马州立大学,生物系统工程专业,博士

2005.09–2008.07 国家海洋局第三海洋研究所,海洋生物学专业,硕士

2001.09–2005.07 厦门大学,生命科学学院,生物科学专业,学士


2018.10 - 2022.07 西北工业大学,柔性电子研究院,副教授

2022.08 - 今福建师范大学海峡柔性电子(未来科技)学院(研究院),副教授



1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,引发式化学气相沉积法制备绿色抗菌食品包装镀膜(21706222),2018年1月-2020年12月, 主持,已结题。

2. 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划面上项目,引发式化学气相沉积法制备抗耐药菌和抗病毒的碘固定高分子涂层(2022JM-080),2022年1月-2023年12月,主持,已结题。

3. 宁波市自然科学基金项目一般项目,iCVD介导骨支架表面抗菌和成骨修饰研究(202003N4050),2020年7月-2023年6月,主持,已结题。

4. 福建省自然科学基金面上项目, PEDOT电极纳米结构的CVD制备及其在柔性钙钛矿电池中的应用研究(2023J01087), 2023-08 至今, 主持,在研。




1. Q. Song#*, S.Y. Chan#*, Z. Xiao#, R. Zhao, Y. Zhang, X. Chen, T. Liu, Y. Yan, B. Zhang, F. Han*, P. Li*, Contact-killing antibacterial mechanisms of polycationic coatings: A review, Progress in Organic Coatings 188 (2024) 108214. (#并列第一,*通讯作者)

2. S. Luo, B. Wu, Q. Li, W. Li, Z. Wang, Q. Song*, F. Han*, Identification of Galectin 9 and its antibacterial function in yellow drum (Nibea albiflora), Fish Shellfish Immunol, 142 (2023) 109044. (*通讯作者)

3. Q. Song#*, M. Zhu#, X. Chen#, T. Liu, M. Xie*, Y. Mao*, Flexible membranes fabricated by initiated chemical vapor deposition for water treatment, battery, and drug delivery, Chemical Engineering Journal 477 (2023) 146911. (#并列第一,*通讯作者)

 Q. Song, M. Zhu, Y. Shi, J. Smay, Y. Mao, Surface tailoring of 3D scaffolds to promote osteogenic differentiation, ACS Applied Bio Materials 6(2) (2023) 891-898.

5. Q. Song#*, R. Zhao#, T. Liu#, L. Gao, C. Su, Y. Ye*, S.Y. Chan, X. Liu, K. Wang, P. Li*, W. Huang, One-step vapor deposition of fluorinated polycationic coating to fabricate antifouling and anti-infective textile against drug-resistant bacteria and viruses, Chemical Engineering Journal 418 (2021) 129368. (#并列第一,*通讯作者)

6. Q. Song#*, Y. Xiao#, Z. Xiao#, T. Liu, J. Li, P. Li, F. Han*, Lysozymes in Fish, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 69(50) (2021) 15039-15051. (#并列第一,*通讯作者)

7. Q. Song, M. Zhu, Y. Mao*, Chemical vapor deposited polyelectrolyte coatings with osteoconductive and osteoinductive activities, Surface and Coatings Technology 423 (2021) 127522.

8. M. Xie#*, Q. Song#*, H. Zhao, Investigation on the surface-active and antimicrobial properties of a natural glycolipid product, Food & Function 12(22) (2021) 11537-11546. (#并列第一,*通讯作者)

9. B. Wu#, Q. Song#, W. Li, Y. Xie, S. Luo, Q. Tian, R. Zhao, T. Liu, Z. Wang*, F. Han*, Characterization and functional study of a chimera galectin from yellow drum Nibea albiflora, International journal of biological macromolecules 187 (2021) 361-372. (#并列第一)

10. M. Xu#, Q. Song#, L. Gao, H. Liu, W. Feng, J. Huo, H. Jin, L. Huang, J. Chai, Y. Pei, X. Qu, P. Li*, W. Huang, Single-step fabrication of catechol-ε-poly-L-lysine antimicrobial paint that prevents superbug infection and promotes osteoconductivity of titanium implants, Chemical Engineering Journal 396 (2020) 125240. (#并列第一)

11. C. Su#, Y. Hu#, Q. Song#*, Y. Ye*, L. Gao, P. Li, T. Ye*, Initiated Chemical Vapor Deposition of Graded Polymer Coatings Enabling Antibacterial, Antifouling, and Biocompatible Surfaces, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12(16) (2020) 18978-18986. (#并列第一,*通讯作者)

12. X. Wang#, Q. Song#, Z. Wang, Y. Xie, D. Zhang, K. Ye, F. Han*, Characterizations of intracellular copper/zinc superoxide dismutase from yellow drum (Nibea albiflora, Richardson 1846) and its gene expressions under the ammonia/nitrite stress, Aquatic Toxicology 214 (2019) 105254. (#并列第一)

13. X. Wang#, Q. Song#, Z. Wang, F. Han*, A novel extracellular copper/zinc superoxide dismutase identified from Nibea albiflora and its characteristics under ammonia/nitrite stress, International journal of biological macromolecules 115 (2018) 608-617. (#并列第一)

14. F. Han#, Q. Song#, Y. Zhang, X. Wang, Z. Wang*, Molecular characterization and immune responses of Rab5 in large yellow croaker (Larimichthys crocea), Aquaculture and Fisheries 2(4) (2017) 165-172. (#并列第一)

15. Q. Song, Y. Mao*, M. Wilkins, F. Segato, R. Prade, Cellulase immobilization on superparamagnetic nanoparticles for reuse in cellulosic biomass conversion, AIMS Bioengineering 3(3) (2016) 264-276.

16. Y. Ye#, Q. Song#, Y. Mao*, Single-step fabrication of non-leaching antibacterial surfaces using vapor crosslinking, Journal of Materials Chemistry 21(1) (2011) 257-262. (#并列第一)

17. Y. Ye#, Q. Song#, Y. Mao*, Solventless hybrid grafting of antimicrobial polymers for self-sterilizing surfaces, Journal of Materials Chemistry 21(35) (2011) 13188-13194. (#并列第一)

18. Q. Song, T. Ye, X. Zhang*, Proteins responsible for lysogeny of deep-sea thermophilic bacteriophage GVE2 at high temperature, Gene 479(1) (2011) 1-9.

19. Q. Song, X. Zhang*, Characterization of a novel non-specific nuclease from thermophilic bacteriophage GBSV1, BMC Biotechnology 8(1) (2008) 43.


1. Q. Song, Y. Pei, X. Ye, P. Li, W. Huang, Cationic Antimicrobial Coatings with Osteoinductive Properties, in: B. Li, T.F. Moriarty, T. Webster, M. Xing (Eds.), Racing for the Surface: Antimicrobial and Interface Tissue Engineering, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2020, pp. 115-128.


1.一种化学气相沉积法制备抗菌聚合物薄膜的方法及应用,ZL 2019 1 0636191.3

2.一种化学气相沉积法制备钛纳米管碘涂层的方法及应用,ZL 2020 1 0508079.4

3.一种化学气相沉积法制备碘固定高分子涂层的方法及应用,ZL 2020 1 0507237.4












