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       箱:lingh@fjnu.edu.cn /linguanhua01@126.com


2006/9-2011/7 中国科学院化学研究所,博士,物理化学,导师:江龙 院士

2002/9-2006/8东北师范大学化学学院, 学士,化学


2023-至今    福建师范大学海峡柔性电子学院 ,副研究员

2018-2022    深圳大学高等研究院, 副研究员

2013-2017    新加坡国立大学生物系,博士后

2012-2013    哥白尼大学物理系,博士后

2011-2012    北京化工大学材料学院 ,助理研究员


2021年入选VEBLEO Fellow













迄今在Advanced Science, ACS Nano, Nano Letters, ACS Materials Letter, ACS Applied Materials & InterfacesSensors and Actuators B: Chemical等高水平期刊上发表SCI论文30多篇,主持国家自然科学基金项目一项,参与三项,获得授权专利三项。Nature Communications, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Journal of Materials Chemistry C,化学进展等期刊审稿人。IFSA Frequency & Time Conference国际项目委员,7th International Conference on New Material and Chemical Industry程序委员会(TPC)成员。Frontiers in Soft Matter评审编辑。多次参与广东省自然科学基金项目(青年项目和面上项目)通讯评审工作。



1.Guanhua Lin*, Maria Lewandowska, Shuo Wang. Rational Design of Superior Photoelectrochemical System through Bioinspired Self-Assembly of Light-Harvesting Complexes. ACS Materials Letters, 2023, 5, 9, 2556–2566.

2.Guanhua Lin*, Wenjie Dong. Renzhe Zhang. Plasmon Enhanced Fluorescence of Photosynthetic Complexes by Conjugating with Gold Micro-Plates and Their Single-Particle Sensing Application. Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical. 2022, 371, 132525.

3. Guanhua Lin*, Haifei Wang, Wensheng Lu. Generation of Nanodroplet Reactors and Their Applications in In Situ Controllable Synthesis and Transportation of Ag Nanoparticles. Advanced Science, 2021, 2002672.

4.Wenjie Dong#, Renzhe Zhang#, Guanhua Lin*. Molecular-level design of excellent reversible thermochromic polydiacetylene materials with the simultaneous enhancement of multiple performances. Materials Chemistry Frontiers, 2021, 5, 7041-7050.

5. Guanhua Lin, Longbin Xian, Xuemao Zhou, Shuo Wang, Zameer Hussain Shah, Scott A. Edwards, and Yongxiang Gao*. Design and One-Pot Synthesis of Capsid-like Gold Colloids with Tunable Surface Roughness and Their Enhanced Sensing and Catalytic Performances. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2020, 12, 50152-50160.

6.Guanhua Lin*, Maria Lewandowska. Plasmon-Enhanced Fluorescence Provided by Silver Nanoprisms for Sensitive Detection of Sulfide. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. 2019, 292, 241-246.

7.Haifei Wang, Guanhua Lin*, Xiaoqin Li, Wensheng Lu, Zhengchun Peng*. Self-standing hollow porous AuPt nanospheres and their enhanced electrocatalytic performance. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2019,554, 396-403.

8.Guanhua Lin*, Wenjie Dong, Cong Wang*, Wensheng Lu. Mechanistic Study on Galvanic Replacement Reaction and Synthesis of Ag-Au Alloy Nanoboxes with Good Surface- Enhanced Raman Scattering Activity to Detect Melamine. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. 2018, 263, 274-280.

9.Wenjie Dong, Guanhua Lin*, Haifei Wang, Wensheng Lu. New Dendritic Polydiacetylene Sensor with Good Thermochromic Ability in Aqueous Solution and Solid Film. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2017, 9, 11918-11923.

10.Guanhua Lin*, Wensheng Lu. Self-Assembly of Hydrophobic Gold Nanoparticles and Adhesion Property of Their Assembled Monolayer Films. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2017,501, 241-247.

11. Guanhua Lin, See Wee Chee, Sanoj Raj, Petr Kral, Utkur Mirsaidov*. Linker-Mediated Self-Assembly Dynamics of Charged Nanoparticles. ACS Nano, 2016, 10(8), 7443-7450.

12.Guanhua Lin, Xi Zhu, Utkarsh Anand, Qi Liu, Jingyu Lu, Zainul Aabdin, Haibin Su*, Utkur Mirsaidov*. Nanodroplet-Mediated Assembly of Platinum Nanoparticle Rings in Solution. Nano Letters, 2016, 16, 1092-

13.Guanhua Lin*, Wensheng Lu. One-pot synthesis of Pt hollow spheres and their performance on electrochemical catalysis. New Journal of Chemistry, 2015, 39, 4231-4234.

14.Guanhua Lin*, Wensheng Lu. Effect of the hydrophobic chain length of a surfactant on controlling the morphology of gold crystals. CrystEngComm. 2015, 17, 9216-9220.

15.Guanhua Lin*, WenshengLu and Wenjie Dong. Synthesis of CuO Nano/Micro-Crystals with Controlled Dimensionality and Morphology and Their Electrochemical Properties. CrystEngComm. 2013, 15, 6690-6694.


1. 林官华,高永祥. 自组装材料及其制备方法,2020,ZL202010115138.1,已授权

2. 江龙,林官华,鲁闻生,崔文娟. 应用表面活性剂分子C18N3制备金晶体的方法,2009,ZL200910237067.6,已授权

3. 江龙,崔文娟,李津如,荣惠林,张雅坤,鲁闻生,林官华. 一种促进细胞生长的金纳米颗粒模板及其制备方法, 2010,ZL201010562928.0,已授权

